The Oregon Forest Literacy Program includes a forest education conceptual framework and a scope and sequence, which together offer educators guidance for developing curricula and classroom lessons related to forests. It includes examples of service-learning projects that connect to Oregon forests. The program’s built-in flexibility makes it useful for a wide range of applications to increase forest literacy, including classroom instruction. WEBSITE: https://oregonforests.org/pub/oregon-forest-literacy-plan
LearnForests.org is a project of Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) is an interactive website with videos, maps, tree guides, and a K-12 learning library. Dedicated to public understanding of forest stewardship to meet the social, environmental and economic needs of both present and future generations. Oregon Forest Resources Institute was created by the Oregon Legislature in 1991 to improve public understanding of the state’s forest resources. WEBSITE: https://learnforests.org/
Project Learning Tree (PLT) is a national natural resources curriculum, teaching critical thinking and is offered in Oregon through Oregon State University. PLT brings thought-provoking, field-tested activities to educators. The workshops explore the role of trees and forests in our lives.” WEBSITE: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiwp6_3wsryAhWBIzQIHb1TC8YQFnoECAUQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.plt.org%2F&usg=AOvVaw0hmYTrGkipEyGOsR8Cuh_N
Forests Today & Forever (FTF) brings students to working tree farms to educate them about forest stewardship. Its cornerstone program, Forest Field Days, for grades 6-8, is a cross-curricular package with classroom and field-based learning designed to stimulate critical thinking and creative problem solving through role-playing. Students make observations about wildlife, soils and water, and learn about the forest as an important resource for timber, wildlife, clean water and recreation. Students use their field observations and experiences to cooperatively develop their own forest management plans. Forests Today & Forever also offers career education programing for high school students. Additionally, custom programs are available to meet teachers’ classroom learning objectives, and can include tours, field studies and service-learning opportunities. WEBSITE: https://foreststodayandforever.org